Let’s Chase Dusty Across the Divide Some More!

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Fun & Informative Videos to Share

Before we get going… I wanted to share yet another Divide in the book, but it didn’t fit into the storyline. There are two species of squirrels separated in time by the mighty Grand Canyon. They are the Abert’s squirrel on the South Rim and other areas of the Southwest, and the Kaibab (kai-bab) squirrel found only on the North Rim.

Abert’s squirrels are mostly light gray in color with a black or dark gray stripe down their backs and white underparts. Kaibab squirrels have noticeable variations — their sides and underparts are dark gray or black, their tails are white and their backs and heads are russet or chestnut brown. —Pets on Mom.com

And here are a couple of videos about them to start off our video collection.


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